Thursday, April 1, 2010

Missions Garage Sale Fundraiser, Sat June 12th

On Saturday, June 12th, from 8am - 2pm Damascus Road our Missions Ministry will be holding an enormous Garage Sale Fundraiser.

The proceeds from the sale will go directly to support the various missions ministries of the church including SOS, 5+2 Kids Club, and Youth Missions. Chad Price will be coordinating this effort for us. You can contact him at cell: 214-228-6292
We are immediately beginning to collect items for the sale. Don't take it to it for us !! Don't bother to hold your own garage sale.....donate it to the church and we'll sell it for the work of the Kingdom !! Bring it all !! Can't get it to the church (because it's so big), let Chad know and we'll come get it !!
  • clothing, jewelry, and accessories

  • baby and child equipment and toys

  • household goods

  • outdoor furniture and equipment

  • furniture

  • cars, boats, motorcycles, etc.

  • sporting equipment

As long as it's legal, we'll sell it !!

Drop off times for Garage Sale items:

  • POD (located in the back of the church) will be open for you to put your treasures in on Sunday May 30 and June 6 from 8:30am - 12:30pm and Wednesday June 2 & 9 from 6-8pm during normal church hours.

  • During weekday church office hours, please contact Jason Stephens to drop off items.

  • After church office hours, including evenings, as well as all day Friday & Saturday, contact Chad Price to drop off items. cell: 214-228-6292

HELP Wanted !! We need the entire church's support to make the Garage Sale a HUGE success. Please contact Sharon Neill cell: 972-567-2165 if you can help with the following:

  • Sort items on Monday June 7 and Tuesday June 8 from 6 - 8:30pm

  • Organize and price items on Wednesday June 9 and Thursday June 10 from 6 - 8:30pm

  • Set-up will be on Friday June 11

NOTE: There will be NO church on Wednesday June 9 so everyone can come help sort, organize, and price the items for sale. This is a church community event and it will take everyone's help to make the Garage Sale happen. Thanks in advance for being a part !!

We're even recruiting the kids !! The 5+2 Club will be running a snack stand during the Garage Sale. They will be selling drinks, hot dogs, and treats.

Saturday of Service (SOS), May 1st and 2nd

thousands are coming together to serve others........

Mark your calendars for our next SOS coming up the 1st weekend of May, Saturday the 1st and Sunday the 2nd. This SOS will be an extra special one as our church will be joining 40+ churches across Dallas to GO AND BE the church that Jesus has called us to be. Take a look at their website for the heart and soul of this initiative.

While you are on their site, you can view all the "Projects" that are available (keep checking back as projects are being added daily) and sign up for the one that speaks to your family.
The Corners Church will be sponsoring the following projects:
"Jesus Loves You" Picnic at Old Settlers Park in McKinney from 10am - 3pm on Saturday, May 1st.
Project Manager: Chad Price cell: 214-228-6292
Location: Old Settlers Park, 1201 East Louisiana Street, McKinney 75069-4290
Time: Set-up at 10am, Picnic from 11am - 2pm, Clean-up 2-3pm
Here is a list of needs for the picnic:
  • 250-300 hot dogs
  • 1 BBQ Grill
  • Cookies, Brownies, snack food
  • Bags of mixed wrapped candy
  • paper plates, plastic ware, cups
  • trash bags, napkins, paper towels
  • 4 large ice chests and 8 bags of ice
  • 250-300 individually wrapped SPICY chips
  • 250-300 drinks - soda, juice, water
  • individual bubbles for the kids

"Fix the Community Center" at Redbud Apartments in McKinney on Saturday, May 1st from 9am - Noon.

Project Manager: Sandra Vlahakis

Location: Redbud Trail Apartments, 1300 North Redbud Blvd, McKinney

Time: 9am - Noon, Saturday, May 1st

We will be giving the Community Center at the apartments a "Spring Cleaning" as well as upgrading the storage and organization of the center. Supplies needed:

  • Cleaning supplies: brooms, mops, garbage bags, cleaning products, etc.
  • Paint: nut-brown for the book shelves, as well as various colors to dip the kids hands in and put their prints on the wall
  • Lots of clear plastic containers for: pens, crayons, scissors, glue, etc.
  • Label machine and labels
  • Storage boxes for stuffed animals
  • Educational materials and learning games
  • Floor lamps
  • Poster board and decorations

"Spring Fling" at Slaughter Elementary School in McKinney on Friday, May 7th.

Project Manager: Bruno and Rene' Lopez cell: 214-458-2025

Location: Slaughter Elementary School, 2706 Wolford St., McKinney

Time: Friday, May 7th. Set-up is all day Friday, Event is from 5-9pm, Clean-up 9pm - ??

The school's PTO sponsors an end of the year carnival for the children. They would like our help with:

  • candy donations
  • cake donations
  • pretty containers to put the silent auction donations in
  • lots of volunteers: for set-up during the day, for the event from 5 - 9pm, and clean-up after the event 9pm - ??

Missions Sunday, April 25th

On Sunday April 25th at both services, our Missions Pastor, Brad Webb, will be preaching at a special Missions service. Come hear how God is moving through our children, youth, and others in the congregation to Serve Our World !!

  • Testimonies of lives impacted

  • Testimonies from those who have served

  • 5+2 Kids Club - what it's all about and how God is using elementary age children for the Kingdom

  • Our CREW Youth Ministry - we have got some incredible young men and women of God in our midst. Hear how God is using them to lead !!

  • Ongoing Ministries: Slaughter Elementary, Redbud Apartments, Good News Club, etc.

  • Member Sponsored Ministries: Hurting Hearts, Kairos Prison Ministry, Stand Up 4 Jesus, etc.

  • Global Missions: Global Advance, Compassion International, Wycliffe Bible Translators, etc.

  • Saturday of Service (SOS) - our next one is coming up on Saturday, May 1st and Sunday, May 2nd. This time we are partnering with an awesome move of God in the D/FW metroplex. Logon to to view the details on how 40+ churches across the city are participating in projects to Serve Our World. Please keep this incredible opportunity for the Kingdom in your prayers.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Saturday of Service (SOS) January 23rd

SOS – Saturday, January 23rd

We have an awesome list of projects scheduled for our next Saturday of Service (SOS). Please see below for details on description of the project, location, time, and contact person:

Backyard Bible Club: These are like a mini VBS. We will be teaching a Bible Story, doing a craft, having a snack, etc. We will be holding them at 2 different apartments:

Redbud Trail Apartments: 1300 N Redbud Blvd, McKinney. 10 am - Noon. Sandra Vlahakis, Project Leader

Woodside Village Apartments: 703 Bumpas Street, McKinney. 2 - 4pm. College and Youth, Project Leaders

Fix a House: This generally includes minor repairs, hauling away debris, etc. We will be fixing 2 houses:

Pastor Willie and Sweet Mama Simms – 216 Carver Street, McKinney 75069. 9am - Noon will be the house repair portion of the project. From Noon - 3pm we will have a Fish Fry and neighborhood outreach for the surrounding community. Greg and Chris Harden, Project Leaders

Pete Tanguma – 1300 Garcia Street, McKinney 75069. Bob and Brenda Willis, Project Leaders

Fix a School: Slaughter Elementary School, 2706 Wolford Street, McKinney. 9am - Noon. For information, please contact Sharon Neill

We are taking part in Mckinney’s Adopt-a-School program. We will be working with Slaughter Elementary. To kick off our relationship with this school we will be helping with some projects at the school. For this project we will be partnering with Wesley United Methodist Church who is also taking part in the Adopt-a-School program with Slaughter.

The Corners Church will be taking the lead in building a small stage for a "Principal Reading Corner". Wesley UMC will be leading the project in "warming up" and decorating another room at the school.

5+2 Kids Club December Project

Christmas Play and Store at Victoria Gardens Nursing Home
On Monday, December 21st the children had a Christmas Party and play practice at the church. We had 20 kids and their parents participating in various activities:
  • We outfitted all the kids in costumes. We must have had 10+ angels !! Special thanks to Amy Dryden for loaning us the costumes. The kids were so adorable !!
  • The kids were so patient, cooperative, and attentive as we practiced the play.
  • There were various craft projects ongoing throughout the afternoon. Ayeshia Duru was an angel making machine !!
  • Special thank you to the Thrasher family for coordinating the party and project
  • All the kids had a blast decorating Micole's delicious gingerbread and sugar cookies - YUM!!

Then on the morning of Wednesday, December 23rd we had over 20 children take part in the December project at the nursing home.

We began with the Christmas play which featured Bailey Dryden narrating the Christmas story which the children acted out. The play included several beautiful Christmas carols that all the children sang. They did an incredible job for learning it 2 days before !!

We had set up a Christmas store in the foyer of the home prior to our play. We had over 200 gifts donated !! A special thank you to everyone who gave so generously. We gave each resident 3 play dollars to "buy" Christmas gifts for themselves, friends, or family. At the end of the store we had a gift wrapping table for those who wanted their gifts wrapped.

The children (and parents) were incredible as they jumped right in helping push the wheelchairs, assist the residents in selecting presents, manning the gift tables, wrapping gifts, visiting with the residents, etc........ What a wonderful day we had "Sharing Jesus by Helping Others" !!

Christmas Party at Redbud Apartments

Christmas Party at Redbud Apartments

Brad Webb, Missions Pastor writes:

I went to the Christmas party at the Redbud apartments on Saturday, December 19th. I am blown away by Sandra Vlahakis and the ministry she is doing out there. Through Stephanie Johnson's assistance with the Angel Tree ministry and help from a few others, we were able to give 55 children Christmas presents at Redbud! Sandra, and Carolina (the lady that lives at Redbud and runs the program) did an incredible job leading the party.

The kids had learned 2 Christmas songs and 1 praise and worship song that they performed at the party. Then Sandra told the Christmas story and lead all of the kids and parents in an incredible prayer. It was truly a picture of heaven as these kids were filled with joy and wonder listening to the story of Jesus. Angelo, Sandra's husband dressed up as Santa Claus and delivered the presents to all of the kids. It was incredible !! I talked with Carolina and she said that it has been incredible to watch God move through this ministry.

There are now between 30-40 kids that come consistently Monday through Friday from 5-7. They have started a bible study for the parents, and the children have started sharing their faith and what they are learning with their parents and friends. God is so Good!

If you would like more information how you can help impact the lives of these precious children, please contact Sandra at

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Personal Missions and Ministry
The Corners is incredibly blessed to have so many members of our church involved with and leading ministries. It is exciting and wonderful to see how individuals are taking the call from Jesus to “Serve Our World” in such varied and impactful ministries.

Each month we will highlight a different ministry. If you would like your ministry featured, please send us an email at


Honduran Kids

Extreme Missionary Adventures (XMA)
Adventure with a purpose…to know him and make him known

XMA is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping volunteers make a positive impact on their world. The volunteers share the love of Jesus with overlooked people in remote locations around our world and help with human needs such as medical, dental, construction, educational and other basic needs.
Mark Neill will be joining a team to Honduras March 6 – 13, 2010. If you would like more information about XMA or going on a trip to Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, or Central Asia, contact Mark at 972-562-2165 or
or visit XMA's website at:

A missionary society wrote to the great missionary David Livingstone deep in the heart of Africa and asked, “Have you found a good road to where you are? If so we want to know how to send other men to join you.” Livingstone wrote back, “If you have men who will come only if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them, I want men who will come if there is no road at all.”